Welcome back Lelya!! The Ghost Host returns with stories abound from Disney! The hosts go over what they will be wearing for the upcoming SFO Comic Con!! A little Josh Brolin and his outfit from Deadpool 2. They Talk Wonder Woman in Flashpoint, the new potential Karate Kid joint on YouTube, and a little Supernatural! Plus, they introduce their new series next week, Where in the World is Karl Urban? Also who doesn’t like a little IT, besides NikNak and Leyla that is. A review of GOT and the Dark Tower and of course who won the week, letters and what are they reading.
7:00 Leyla talks Disney
15:30 Comic Con Cosplay Ideas
11:23 Josh Brolin as Cable
31:10 Gal Gadot is Everywhere
38:46 Where in the World is Karl Urban
43:07 Karate Kid on YouTube
50:29 SuperNachos?
1:06:46 NikNak Loves IT
1:14:41 Dragons Lovely Dragons, GOT Review
1:32:43 Dark Tower Review
1:53:37 What are we Reading
1:58:43 Who Won the Week
2:02:13 Letters/Tweets/Instas/FB