Luke Dooley is the President and CEO of Ocean Programs. He desires to see people understand their place in a larger story - this is what motivates him to create spaces and content that compel people to live and lead in ways worth following! Ocean Programs engages people through Entrepreneurial training and an Accelerator Program to help grow startups while taking founders on a concurrent spiritual journey.
Luke talks through the passion that drives Ocean Programs, the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, some exciting news about partnering with FaithTech, and an interesting habit around washrooms! Listen in to hear some great stories about meaningful, kingdom-focused models for innovation and startup.
FaithTech is a global community of Christians in tech who come together once a month to meet, learn, and build projects together.
If you are a Christian in tech, we want to see you join our community! Just head over to our website to learn more about how you can get plugged in