The Art Of Living An Awakened Life.
The paradigm: An introduction to a process of thinking. The Fifth Element.
Coming to your deepest Truth.
Finding Yourself.
Tony Robbins as Newton and Thoth.
Establishing a framework and a language for a discussions. The first attempt.
Now I understand what wise men see:
“The world of spirits is not closed:
Your senses are: your heart is dead!
Rise, unwearied, disciple: bathe instead
Your earthly breast in the morning’s glow!”
Теперь понятно, что мудрец изрек:
“Мир духов рядом, дверь не на запоре,
Но сам ты слеп, и все в тебе мертво.
Умойся в утренней заре, как в море,
Очнись, вот этот мир, войди в него".
Faust by Gete