We began reading together 'The Myth of the Flesh' and discussed at length the pleasures of Jesus' cross!
"You were united with Him in His death. What died? The entire fallen personality. Your old depressed self. Your old sinful self. The old fearful you was buried. The old anxious, unbelieving you took a bullet. Your poverty died with Him. Your sickness died with Him. Every bit of darkness and disease died with Him. All your acne and PMS and road rage took a tumble. Your old religiously sober self was also crucified.
The new you is happy, alive and full of the wine of His love! The new you is full of faith. The new, True Self is prosperous, bold and overflowing with life, hope, peace and fruitfulness.
Want to go deeper in this kind of revelation?
Check out our Glory Foundations Class at: www.gloryfoundationsclass.com
Order Matt's book 'High On God' at our website: www.thefirehouseprojects.com
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