This week, Owen and Marcus have the incredible privilege of chatting with Brian McCullough, founder, author, and host of one of our favorite podcasts Techmeme Ride Home. We talk about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur, how there’s almost a stigma there, how the entire industry is in a shift, what it means to be a nerd and why it matters, and Brian shares his insight on whether or not now is a good time to start working on your own business, (spoiler alert: it is). Brian is one of the most knowledgeable people in the tech industry and his insights are vital to understanding the era we’re in and how we got here.
Find out more about what Brian has going on:
The Techmeme Ride Home Podcast
How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone
The Ride Home Fund
Brian's Book Recommendation:
The Prize by Daniel Yergin
Marcus Smith:
Owen Goode:
Axon Collective:
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