Naava Carman is a Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncturist and herbalist who has specialised in treating female and male fertility, gynaecology and obstetrics for over 20 years. Her London practice is focused on women who are 38-45 years old with complex, multifaceted fertility issues, such as autoimmune disorders, unexplained infertility, failed IVF, recurrent miscarriage, hypermobility, PCOS, endometriosis and other inflammatory conditions.
Naava is also a committed educator, having run training courses and given lectures across the UK and internationally for a number of years. Last year she launched her own online training platform for practitioners wishing to gain an Advanced Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture. Naava is a member of the RCHM, a registered Supervisor for the British Acupuncture Council and a Mentor for Doula UK.