Some of the hardest conversations are the ones that are never had. Those conversations, in large part, don't happen because they require a "Safe Space" where a person can feel safe to be vulnerable and ask for help. Some times the help comes in the form of listening, not needing to be responded to with words but with our attention.
Fisi Moleni is a Mental Health Professional who has practiced as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for the past 22 years. He's built a successful office based on the principle of creating a "Safe Space" for his clients. Fisi gives some powerful insights on how we can do the same for our loved ones in our lives.
My favorite portion of this episode is when Fisi highlights how we’ve progressed a lot as a community with each generation learning more and more about Mental Health. I love his analogy of our ancestors being expert voyagers who navigated the vast ocean better than anyone in the history of the world. As we continue to “navigate” this realm of Mental Health, I believe we can make an incredible impact on the current and future generations.
If this message of Mental Health resonates with you and you feel a need for a "Safe Space", please don't hesitate to send me a DM or visit the link here to learn more about the resources that are available to you, starting with Fisi Moleni and his amazing help he has access to.
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