Podcast 169: Foot muscles, core strength and more
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Irene Davis, PhD, PT
Numerous studies demo foot muscle hypertrophy when removing support of the arch. While it seems intuitive, this is the first published study to demo that adding support results in foot muscle atrophy after only 12 weeks of orthotic use! Nice work!! #strengtheningoverbracing
Foot Core Training to Prevent Running-Related Injuries: A Survival Analysis of a Single-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial Ulisses T. Taddei, PhD, PT, Alessandra B. Matias, MSc, PT, Marcos Duarte, PhD,
2020 Aug;78:105063. clinbiomech.2020.105063. The effect of a 12-week custom foot orthotic intervention on muscle size and muscle activity of the intrinsic foot muscle of young adults during gait termination Katrina Protopapas 1 , Stephen D Perry 2
hip abduction
Inter-limb strength asymmetry in adolescent distance runners: Test-retest reliability and relationships with performance and running economy Rich Blagrove
Summary: Key finding: Larger hip abduction asymmetry associated with worse running economy in female runners (r = 0.85).
Developing neurplasticity
SPlit treadmills , limping,
quick talk on bone density
Relationship among running mileage, bone density, and serum testosterone in male runners: J. D. MacDougal