Episode 10: VR Special LIVE
Welcome to Episode #10 of the GameHuntReviews Podcast! This is our first LIVE podcast, broadcasted while recording on YouTube! In this episode, we have a few anouncements to make and we talk about some Virtual Reality Games like "Superhot," "Holopoint," and "The Brookhaven Experiment." We hope you enjoy our first LIVE podcast! You can see the live version at https://youtu.be/N6Jt6m9RBm0
Also, don't forget to check out Alyssa's game "Electrovolt!" Check out her soundcloud at https://soundcloud.com/alyssa-goncalves-187007267 for more and thank you guys so much for listening!
Check out our YouTube channel at YouTube.com/GameHuntReviews to see our gamplay of these games and more!
Also, if you are looking for episodes 1-3 of the podcast, check out https://soundcloud.com/user-845430175. Thank you so much for listening and we'll see you in the next episode!
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