The guys in his mind ku klux klan office on crawford rd and on pinnsyavania st in bessemer city and was breaking law having some illigal equipment where in he could be the ears to lenston Fulchers mind which is against the law of gods ordained cell rule sin of my keepers in the town and they where misxonfissed by the winnie puss comites because he's not talking he's usein one of goods ordained ensrauments and spoke at a class report and got him back to where they and there family was quiet haven't said a thang but his switch cuzion whipped and switch found in my yard after setting up a probation thang that was busted by gastonia world street potrols and was waiting on a bust on the town on acting like our head commite of the carolina mountain we the people boy scout honers bounty hunter commite didn't have him on a show and could on times being times how the law told us officers that on them do the unjust acts on me that they could go head and start teaching me stealing up which was eye for eye I had to be sworn to cause the acts that happen to me and no one suppose to touch gods mind and even I serve god and no one was suppose to question gods mind the geek blurted out on a class report and cheese will follow up on this on our show we producing in palmeto county and stated when I say he was a blurt case ask TEBO he's got some type of religious needs we praying for help for him attmeeting he was the one giving those orders about the thoart stuff around detective von and detective von knew rev fulcher at that house was not in mind state and is blaming RockHill the scared wimp gary grayson switch crew who gary was found yeah in my back yard and in black illegal matter stuff and he was the part of a crew of ku klux klan member in a white chevy hard body not dodge ram like his uncle randy seked on lenston Fulcher year after he and gary and his granddaddy and the trision jones BEE the real knode where in a cohoppues on plot to snatch out the store gary backed out of it and used gods ensrauments which is what he was whipped for in store randy stands in place at front door of the gaston mini mart express in place for rope to be set on his neck under his daddy calvin hamptons orders and where there head overseer and they used my name and got money and I didn't and townsmen committee ship didn't approve of it and found out he had ran one use and our governcy collected the funds and have paper work on them and funds in custody awaiting completion of investigation and me about finished case over view and don't have to rush these high tale mooks are cought in my back yard and gary was on crew with a check hard body smoke white truck and my crew just got it to point as we give evidence of new to tru media real fact not fiction but as the head caption of the battle ground plametro county army and us marshall him his granddad don't look to good fa gave my own thort I wasnt in my rite mind state and that indeed rev fulcher wasn't I. His rite mind at the house think detective von is not been in gaston county lines in quiet ope. Like fashion here to bust the HigHTALiNg fake armed dangourus atf agent for the little stunt him and the other crew members of a high custody note sicrifastation terriost plot which the Whitehouse alerted us about and have hightaled suspects the whole time some people even evaquwated cause the terriost crew were in a around here in a everyday suburn town like sane church going folk and where inmantalus mole black market abrivation ways to the point I tell you folk blurt this they would do something like dig up there noise and had been a member of a church crew of teaching the way to go for 10 years and would put the buggers in people's food that day in kitchen and never would have done a action like this but had been in a terriost gang that was iñvoled in the gaston sc atomic booming and a blurt of Ima make yall work gary had a problem with getting alone project pat rap and info of plot to melt regions mem cells
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