In this episode of the GenderGP Podcast Marianne and Helen are joined by Heather Corinna (they/them), a non-binary writer, sex educator, and activist. Heather shares their wisdom from over 25 years of working to improve education around gender and sexuality for young people, and together they all discuss how understanding what connects us is more important than what sets us apart.
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Scarleteen | Sex Education for the Real World is written by non-binary writer, Heather’s website, offering “inclusive, comprehensive, supportive sexuality and relationships info for teens and emerging adults”.
You can follow Heather on Twitter @heathercorinna. They are also the author of several books, including S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties (now in a second edition), Wait, What? A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up, and the forthcoming What Fresh Hell Is This? Perimenopause, Menopause, Other Indignities, and You, available from most booksellers.
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The GenderGP Podcast
Inclusive Sex Education
Hello, this is Dr. Helen Webberley welcome to our GenderGP podcast, where we will be discussing some of the issues affecting the trans and non-binary community in the world today, together with my co-host Marianne Oakes, a trans woman, herself and our head of therapies.
Hi everybody, Helen. We, she/her here today with Marianne. I she/her as you know us very, very well, and I'm very pleased to welcome Heather Corrina, they/them with us today. Heather, tell us all about you, tell us, um, what you do, what your interest is excite us with with your passion.
gosh, you know, I mean, in the context of what we're doing here today, you know, I've been working in sex ed and education for going on almost 25 years now. Uh, I've been running Scarleteen for over 23 years now, which was one of the very first sex education websites and clearing houses online. Um, you know, to kind of, it seems a little silly to say it was the first inclusive thing online because it was one of the first sex education things online, period. It's always funny to me to kind of talk about doing sex ed inclusively as a non-binary person and a queer person. I, I really kind of couldn't do it another way because I'm right here. like I couldn't do it without, including myself. I started doing this work with younger people because they started asking me questions. And so, you know, for me, inclusivity, wasn't something where it was like, I wanna do it because I need to make sure to include everybody, It was built in from the beginning. You know, I wanted to answer the questions that everyone had and because a wide net was cast that anyone could ask me questions. It was baked in that, of course the education was inclusive because so many different people were asking questions and I was answering all of those questions.