In today’s episode, we are joined by friend of the show Sister Mariakali to discuss the lives and works of the “Swedish Seer” (Emanuel Swedenborg) and the editor of “The New Reformer” (D. Gopaul Chetty).
Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist and mystic who, amongst other things, summoned the long-dead Isaac Newton to argue with him about the scientific properties of matter (and won the argument, of course). Chetty was an Indian theologian, activist, and author who so fell in love with the work of the Swedish Seer, and how it intersected with his own tradition (Saiva Siddhanta), that he stood outside of churches on Sunday mornings and evangelized the congregants as they were trying to go home. This episode is a deep dive into mysticism, religious pluralism, and the lives of two truly remarkable men.
Sister Mariakali (also known as Eleanor Schnarr) is a mystic, interoceptive painter, seventh generation Swedenborgian, and is currently studying the intersection of Swedenborgian philosophy and Hinduism at the Graduate Theological Union. See below for links!
“New Light Upon Indian Philosophy”, by D. Gopaul Chetty:
“Swedenborgianism in India” by Sister Mariakali:
Merch shop for Mariakali’s (awesome!) art:
Mariakali’s GoFundMe, where she intends to continue the work and legacy of D. Gopaul Chetty:
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