Today is episode 4 of our green series. Anyone new to this green data center series of podcasts, welcome – to give a brief overview, we started with the software and how well-written software is actually a green imperative contrary to what a lot of people think. Then we zoomed out to the server hardware, and now we’re zooming out one more level to the electrical systems. Today’s episode is touching on data center electrical infrastructure and how that’s, in a lot of ways, the next most important piece of the green footprint of a data center, or, arguably, the absolute most important piece. If you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint and not actually about efficiency, then electrical infrastructure is the way to go. If you’re all about efficiency, look someplace other than electrical infrastructure. If you don’t believe that co2 causes global warming or severe environmental impact, feel free not to listen and then do a google search for the atmosphere of venus, the absorption and re-emittance of 2060nm light by co2, and like… a billion other things. It’s complicated so I get that there’s room for debate but before you argue, first read the million pages already written and then give me your opinion.
Our sponsor this week is Green Lane Design. Green Lane has been designing, engineering and building critial facilities for over ten years including major enterprise customers as well as colocation facilities. GLD has designed and developed an integrated stack of design disciplines. If you would be interested in a free assessment go to and mention the podcast.