In today's podcast episode I chatting with Holland Otik, a maker, chef, teacher, researcher and animistic object enthusiast who incorporates magic and ritual into everything they do. She currently owns a small shop and studio in Hereford.
This conversation was epic. So much so that we ended up talking for twice as long as we scheduled, and this interview will be split into two parts. Our first two parter!
So today's episode is part one of the two part interview with Holland Otik.
In this episode we cover Holland's journey to this stage in her life and career including various job roles including lecturer, chef, and artist.
We talk about what a maker actually is and what a creative practice looks like.
Holland shares her interest in animism and how that informs her current practice of making masks.
This leads to a conversation about symbols and rituals. And then onto how we can create our own spiritual practices.
We also touch on the topic of wellness and spiritual industries capitalising on practices from other cultures.
We finish by wondering whether it is possible to practice spirituality in a way that is ethical, responsible, and self-aware.
Come back next week for part 2 of the interview.