Having a sense of self awareness is not only healthy for you as an individual, it is essential to lead others and for your business. The GTK panel examines what it takes to hone this vital skill.
0:13 Introductions
1:19 Steve relates an exercise to increase self-awareness
2:07 Defines self-awareness as knowing thoughts and feelings about thoughts
2:21 Jason relates self-awareness to continuous self-improvement
3:41 Jessica links self-awareness to emotional intelligence
5:36 How self-awareness can lead to thoughtful action
6:15 But action without self-awareness can be dangerous
6:58 The ultimate goal of being self-aware while deciding how to act
8:26 Self-awareness also helps you understand your team
9:24 Self-awareness can help in the hiring process
12:15 We’re not born with this skill and it must be developed
13:49 Jessica likes a coach to provide feedback
15:36 It’s not whether or not one is self-aware, but where they can see and where they are blind
16:16 Decisions journals as a means of developing self-awareness
16:48 It takes deliberate dedication to advance this skill
17:14 Ulliance uses the company Medication Works to help develop self-awareness
18:46 Using Strengths Finder 2.0 to assess where you are
20:25 Jessica uses safe spaces with direct reports looking to enhance self-awareness
21:07 Steve says it’s not his job
24:07 Jason says work with nature, not against it