In this episode of The Gorman Limit, Neil talks more about the concepts of negativity as lack (rather than as bad) and the death drive. This episode is a continuation of Neil's work teaching a seminar on doing clinical work with individuals.
0:00 - 0:11 - I got this song stuck in my head...
0:11 - 5:00 - Introduction.
- I'm reaching a seminar.
- In this episode, I'll be talking about the concept of...
5:00 - 20:35 - The Negative Pt. 1
- Negative does not mean "bad".
- Negativity as not having.
- Negative liberty V. Positive liberty.
- Negative reinforcement v. Positive reinforcement.
- It is the stuff we don't have that motivates us, more than what we do have.
20:35 - 28:21 - The Negativity P.t 2
- Don Draper "Happiness is the thing you have before we need more happiness ."
- Having is good, but we are (generally) more focused on what we lack that makes us do things and stuff.
28:21 - 37:35 - Death Drive Pt. 1
- The time before we are born is stress & anxiety-free.
- Freud says we might want to get back to that.
- Life is a struggle.
- If the struggle is enjoyable (if there is jouissance in it) then we desire to continue to live.
- If the struggle is not enjoyable (if there is no jouissance in it) then we desire to die.
37:35 - 44:28- Let's try to bring it all together.
- There can be too much negativity (lack) and that fires up the death drive.
- The Ethics of Opting out, by Mari Ruti
- Necropolitics, by Achille Mbembe