We just finished one of the most unique school years of all time. After having to shut down our schools to finish this year and a lot of uncertainty around what the next school year will look like, this is the best opportunity we've ever had to really assess what we're doing in schools and if it's actually effective.
This is part 3 of an ongoing series. Originally, I was planning on doing this in a 4 part series: elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. But there were a couple topics that I really wanted to address that I had a really hard time fitting into one of those distinct groups. They kind of flow fluidly across most grades, so I decided that needed to be it's own show.
This podcast covers:
The system of the education system.
Why teachers are, by definition, good at getting through the school system. But not all kids are...
5 years of lunch duty. every. single. day... and what I learned about the "ADHD" student's typical lunch.
How overcrowded classes encourage us to put kids on drugs rather than individualize their education.
How Covid cancelled the biggest waste of time in education.
Why do students practice taking tests for 12+ years... only to never need them again in life?
I finish with a genuine shout out to all the amazing teachers out there. Thank you!!!
From having been a teacher, I'm passionate about the importance of education. But there's so many flaws in how we apply our education. I spend most of this series all the way hyped up, so you're gonna feel the energy at every single moment. Let's goooooo!!!