Episode #50 on The Growth and Resilience Network® podcast channel examines core issues associated with adoption. Our guest, John Longbottom, shares his experiences as an adopted child, his ups and downs, and his takeaways regarding adoption. He helps us examine the triad of adoption: The Adoptee, The Adopted Parents, and the Birth Parents.
While the conversation here represents the views and lessons of one man, it reminds us that adoption is more than what happens to or for the adopted child. It affects many for years—if not life. John discusses core issues associated with adoption: Loss, rejection, guilt/shame, grief, identify, intimacy, mastery/control.
He shares the range of emotions he experienced. And his journey led to his realization that each person of the “triad” (adoptee, adopted parents, and birth parents) confronts the same core issues.
Note: During the episode, John’s visit and performance in a college classroom is mentioned. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/eP5AXknH1kg.
Podcast music ("Walk with Me") by ©John Longbottom. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Podcast ©Steve Piscitelli. 2020. The Growth and Resilience Network®