Episode #7 of the Harsh Jain Show, is Part 2 of the answer to the question - "How to start Freelancing"?
I am going to make this episode in 3 different parts and this is part 2. If you have missed Part 1, go and listen to it here. Now stay tuned with us for all the upcoming episodes.
I hope you enjoy this episode! Okay, so who is Harsh Jain & why the hell should you listen to him in 2021?
Harsh Jain is a 21-year-old Indian Entrepreneur and Speaker. I am a Digital Marketing & Freelance Consultant, Social Media Influencer, Personal Branding Practitioner, and YouTube Expert.
He can help you be more effective with your branding & marketing strategy, optimize your workflows, scale yourself on YouTube, and get more done.
Okay, hold on, instead of reading all this, follow me on Instagram- https://instagram.com/harshjaindigital where I am creating amazing and valuable for you guys.
Don't forget to follow and subscribe to us on whichever platform you are listening to us.
Love you all and see you in the next episode.