Ashley discusses how Corona Virus is manifesting within the not self of energetics, and the bodygraph, and provides energetically aligned ways to navigate the world we find ourselves in.All of the work you have been doing in your meditations, self care, spirituality, energetics, coaching programs etc prepared you for exactly this time.Now is the time to live the work and hold space for others to awaken and rise up.Right now ground further into who you are, what your mission work is on this planet and how you can best serve your tribe.Ashley discusses the not self of the Splenic Centre, Ego/ Heart Centre, Root Centre and G Centre. This is a not miss episode, not only for the middle of a pandemic but any time!Ashley also put together a Human Design & Manifestation 14 day email series for building a solid base within your energetics to propel you into the life of your dreams. This is 100% FREE to give back to the collective right now! Join here: xoAE