This is an inspiring story of hope from Bee, a suicide attempt survivor who wishes to help suicide loss-survivors heal from the responsibility and guilt they may feel.
Since her attempt, Bee is on a mission as a mental health advocate to make sure she does all she can to reduce the lives lost to suicide. After having her own grief and struggling with mental health problems since a young age, Bee gives amazing insights on her own journey.
Hear us discuss many issues of mental health and suicide. Including why Bee did what she did that day and how she shares this to help us understand how depression confused her thinking so much and clouded reality.
Please listen to this with extra care. Bee and I share this discussion because I do believe by understanding suicide more, we can start to make sense of why our loved ones did what they did. I am also acutely aware that there is always a myriad of reasons why people take their own lives, but hope that with the complexity of every suicide-attempt story I share, society begin to understand that suicide is never simple.
I am also very aware that stories like this can be difficult to listen to as suicide-loss survivors because we so wish our loved ones were still here to share their story. Hence please listen when you feel able to and switch off at any point if you are noticing it is too much for you to hear right now. These podcasts will remain here as long as podcasts exist, so you can always revisit it when you are at a different point in your journey with grief.
And remember there are people out there that can help and support you.
Within the UK:
Samaritans - Free on 116 123
Suicide&Co - Free on 0800 054 8400 Mon-Friday 9aam-9pm
Within the US:
Suicide Hotline: Free on 1-800-273-8255 or text 742741
Anywhere else in the World:
Welcome | Sue Egan Psychology
Contact me here: [email protected] and we will see what is available in your country.
The links you need from this episode:
Bee on Instagram
Bee on Facebook
Twitter: Beeinspiredtalk
This podcast is here as a platform for those who have lost to suicide - to enable them to process more of their loss by telling their story. And it is full of stories of hope for those who have lost to suicide - to show we are still standing. If you feel you wish to share your story of suicide loss please get in touch [email protected]