Christians deal with feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the bad in the world, too. With everything that hit me in the first 2 weeks of 2022, I definitely experienced it, and the depression made me feel like hope (and even prayer) was a waste of time. But God met me in that place with a lifeline to help me fight off the depressive episode, and I want to share it with you. I hope my words affirm for you that your feelings are valid, but they are not final. You will have better days as long as you don't throw in the towel now.
This episode stemmed from an Instagram post that said "women don't often associate with anxiety and depression, they just feel like they are failing." This is just one way that depression and anxiety appear. If you've been feeling uncontrollable sad, irritable or hopeless, I pray you seek out spiritual, emotional and clinical support (whatever combination that works for you).