Me, Tahmina, Sai, John (sorta), Sahaba and Abdullah all talk about revison. And stuff. We also give our thoughts on revision methods and make a tier list for them at the end.
But really, if it works for you then it works for you, so take our opinions with a hint of salt.
-When revising for Spanish A-Level, revise every single word on the vocab list for each topic like your life depends on it! All the questions are formatted the same for every paper and are literally repeated each time. The only thing which changes is the vocab needed.
I'm not saying ONLY revise vocab and nothing else, I'm just stressing the importance of it.
-In English (any stage works), mind map an essay before writing it. Blurt out anything you might want to mention, making connections which reflect what you want written down. Then, convert that mind map into an essay directly using the points written. It's foolproof. Eventually you'll get into the flow and will be able to write killer essays without it.