After Santa's Little Helper gets in trouble for destroying Homer's new sneakers, eating his macadamia nut cookie, and tearing Marge's heirloom quilt, Bart enrols the hound into an obedience school, which Santa's Little Helper must pass if he wants to continue being the Simpsons' pet.
What we discuss in this cromulent episode:
- What not to feed your dog (unless you have a labrador, in which case, good luck stopping them)
- Robert Capa, the famous war photographer, and his photo; The Fallen Solider
- The famous movie star pooch, RinTinTin, and his journey from war to Hollywood
- Is Steven Spielberg putting subliminal Catholic messages in his movies? (He's not)
This plus plenty more, on this deep-dive research podcast with host Perrie Kap where we examine the most fantastic TV show of our time: The Simpsons.