Bella is 'ten turning eleven' on June 30th, and she's a child filled with a love for God, a challenging faith and a faith-filled hope for her friends and her community. Listen to Bella as she explores the kindness of God and her relationship with Jesus and the church. 'When I need help sometimes he's there for me. And there's luckily a Bible, so I read that. And I think that comes in with talking with him as well, after praying with him. And anytime you can pray with him - even if you're sad, happy, too happy - you can talk to him at any time.' Be inspired by the praise and worship that come from the lips of this young girl, embraced by a loving God and a fellowship of believers. Bella is the daughter of our Season 2 Ep. 1 HERalds guest, Diana Best - whose testimony of endurance, tenderness and faith have created a whakapapa of hope in Christ's blood and healing. We are blessed with these wahine toa of the Word!