Part 2 of 3 of “Inside the Master Key” series. In this episode we continue the journey through the concepts, thought process and purpose behind the program. New ways of thinking about the places you currently feel stuck.
-Navigating the “in-between” space as you’re letting go of old beliefs + installing new empowering ones
-Asking yourself better questions in your self-awareness practices
-The skill of strategic pretending + strategic denial
-Foundational beliefs humanity has inherited about greed, laziness, desire, vanity + more
-Stages of money beliefs: month to month vs, when you're past the "safety" threshold
"I really want to help people learn how to navigate the belief gap. That basically means the gap between the old subconscious disempowering belief + the new empowering belief. This gap happens when you have just tried to install a new belief, and now you are navigating what comes up as you try to focus on this new belief.
As you start to try and materialize evidence of those new beliefs, evidence that conflicts with those new beliefs starts to arise because you have other nested + conflicting beliefs that haven't been examined yet.
So as we navigate this belief gap, how do you behave? How do you BE when you let go of the instant gratification when you stop trying so hard to manifest? How do we navigate the stress that occurs when we don't yet have an anchored new belief yet?" -Ryan
Since the airing of this episode, we created a school! The teachings in The Master Key program can be found inside, alongside 3 additional years (and growing) of content.
If you've been inspired by what you've heard today and want to dive deeper into understanding your body, energy, and personal potential, consider joining us in The Higher Ideal School at