It's an adventure in time and space as The Hill Is Always Greener finally gets a chance to read the seminal classic novel, Sonic the Hedgehog in the Fourth Dimension. The second of the Martin Adams books, it sees Sonic and Tails sent back and forth through time on a quest to save planet Mobius, and perhaps the universe itself, from not only the machinations of Dr. Robotnik, but from forces outside of time and space as we know them. Does this chronicle of corrupted chronology stand up to the test of time, or is it best left in the past? It's time to activate our Mark-0 Gauss-Coyne prototypes and find out!
(0:00:00) Intro/Main topic: Sonic in the Fourth Dimension
(0:15:26) The Sonic Story So Far/Prologue
(0:17:55) Chapter 1: Baffled, Bothered, and Befuddled
(0:35:49) Chapter 2: Yesterday Is Here Again
(0:45:56) Chapter 3: Judgement Of The Science Dudes
(0:52:47) Chapter 4: Arrival On - Where?
(0:58:29) Chapter 5: Meister Blaster
(1:05:05) Chapter 6: Everybody Needs A Mum
(1:12:10) Chapter 7: Some Historical-Type Explaining
(1:20:50) Chapter 8: When Are We Now?
(1:25:03) Chapter 9: As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs
(1:29:17) Chapter 10: Luck Of The Hedgehog
(1:38:07) Chapter 11: Larceny Most Foul
(1:44:10) Chapter 12: Infinity Is Nice, But I Wouldn't Want To Live There
(1:53:35) Chapter 13: Sonics (Again)
(2:16:30) Epilogue
(2:20:00) Final thoughts
Sonic the Comic the Podcast
STCTP interview with "Martin Adams"