Hi everyone, some of you have asked me to do some videos which include my makeup work and also more about eponymous.shop, the online store I co-run which focuses on bringing independent brands to the forefront (an idea which came about through working with so many small indies as a makeup artist).
I've brought the two together for this podcast chat, discussing what I'll bring in my handbag when I'm working with clients (in addition to my kit bags) plus I've included some answers from handbag designer Sarah Haran, an inspiring lady I've become friends with through Eponymous. Not only does Sarah have an amazing story, she designs beautiful, functional bags too. They are investments for life and mine is still going strong and it's a good few years old now!
This isn't sponsored but I have included a few images which link to the Eponymous shop. There are no affiliate links but if you were to purchase from the shop, you should know that I have an involvement in that :)
You can view the video version on my YouTube Channel.