Clancey sits down with community song leader and activist, Josh Blaine to talk about music, immediacy, and the power of song.
About the guest: Josh Blaine is a community song leader and activist based out of Austin, TX where he leads the public in song in the Texas State Capitol rotunda every first and last Monday of the month. He also leads songs and chants at marches, rallies, protests, and organizing meetings for myriad social justice orgs and causes.
Show Notes
- Intentional Living
- Reclaiming Intimacy and Immediacy
- Power of Song and Shared Experience
- Commodification of shared experiences
- gift economy
- triple bottom line businesses
- military industrial complex
- The Poor Peoples campaign
- Finding Our Voice / Vox
- Melanie DeMore
- Charles Eisenstein
- Michael Pollan
THE IMMERSIONEER PROJECT | With our political system in disarray, trust in media declining, cultural fractures deepening, and depression rates rising, many of us are turning inward to find some sanity in these chaotic times. Whether we’re turning to mindfulness, meditation, or mind-expanding substances, our exploration of inner space is advancing rapidly and bringing with it profound questions about the nature of human identity and modern society. Blending insights from psychology, philosophy, science, and spirituality, The Immersioneer Project seeks to supercharge this exploration, hone our shared understanding of inner space, and deepen human dialogue in the process. Basically, it’s as far from filtered selfies and fake news as you can get.
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