Jeffrey Slayter is an international speaker and best selling author, who’s known as a researcher and explorer of leadership, sales, speaking and their application to high-performing leaders.His goal is to help leaders scale their businesses to the next level by increasing sales on stage and one-on-one.Stages include not only speaking engagements, opportunities are everywhere - podcasts, interviews, social media channels, crucial company meetings and more are the stages of todays business world.Jeffrey has shared the stage with other incredible thought leaders like Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin), Dr. John Demartini (star from the movie The Secret), Frank Kern (the highest paid direct response internet marketer in the world), Tim Ferriss (Author of Four Hour Work Week), Tony Robbins and many others. He questions the validity of the beliefs that are holding leaders back.He is a positive disrupter of psyches (in a practical good way), having played the role of transformational leadership coach for the last 15 years to over a million people from twelve different countries, exploring and studying a range of different transformational leadership modalities.Having likely coached one of the coaches you’ve engaged at some point along your entrepreneurial and leadership journey, Jeffrey Slayter has a level of mastery in facilitation in the areas of leadership, sales and speaking.An adventurist at heart, he is known as one of the most sought after mentors to take business leaders to the jungles to support them in seeking the answers to their deeper questions about life and what it is to lead and make an impact. Some of the world’s biggest game changers, executives, social entrepreneurs, internet marketers and consultants have reported that Jeffrey’s golden edge sharpens their sales, speaking and leadership, and integrates “purpose with profits” in a way that brings greater meaning, greater impact, and fulfilment to the work they are doing here in the world.