The importance of believers understanding they can only serve ONE Master at a time!

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Friends, lots of things and people are vying for our attention in this busy and crazy world. However, we were created to only handle one thing properly at one time. Yes, I know all about doing many things at the same time, but believe me, none of them are ever done to the best of our ability. The Lord in His wisdom made us able to only concentrate fully on one subject at a time, preferably Him. Now the devil engages in all sorts of antics trying to turn us away from God, and one of those things is the LOVE of money. An addiction and sickness that just drives us crazy behind the almighty dollar. But please remember that we can only serve ONE master at a time, which means we cannot serve God and money or material wealth simultaneously. We have to choose...and the best choice is God, who made everything and owns everything! Much LOVE!

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SCRIP-BITSBy Randolph O'Brien