Jesus Christ is no longer on the earth as a human being, however, as His disciples, we have taken over His earthly responsibilities, become His agents, His ambassadors or representatives, and now, people can only come into contact with Jesus through us; through our goodness, kindness, grace, and all the other attributes we've obtained from Him. But it's no good if we're not using those attributes for the good of others and of our world in general. For then the world will remain in the same dark, evil and ungodly state that it's been in for donkeys' ages now. But that's not what Jesus had in mind when He came to earth. No! He wanted to create a body, His church, that would go around the earth spreading the good news of His gospel, bringing people to the Light, to His light. But sadly we're not doing a good enough job of it, because the world is getting more evil every day, if that's even possible. So come on friends, we have to pick up the baton and run with it for Jesus' sake, otherwise we'll be a great disappointment to Him, and we definitely don't want to end up like that! Much LOVE!