In this episode we conclude our discussion of embryo transfers but talking about PGS and PGD testing, frozen and fresh embryo transfers, and is there really anything else that helps the success of a transfer??
PGS Testing Combi Matrix Invitae
PGD Testing
Embryo Glue
Embryo Glue meta analysis references
1. Urman et al. Effect of hyaluronan-enriched transfer medium on implantation and pregnancy rates after day 3 and day 5 embryo transfers: a prospective randomized study. Fertil Steril 90:3. 2008.
2. Bontekoe S et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jul 7;(7):CD007421. 2010.
3. Hashimoto et al. EmbryoGlue® improves pregnancy and implantation rates: results from a meta-analysis on almost 10,000 embryo transfers. PP-009, Alpha 2014. 10th Biannual conference, Antalya, Turkey. 2014.
4. Bontekoe S et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Feb 25;2:CD007421. 2014.
5. Fluori C et al; The effect of EmbryoGlue on clinical outcome. P-179. Fertility 2017, Edinburgh, UK. 2017.
Thank you for listening to our podcast! I hope that by talking about what we’ve been though, others who may be struggling with infertility know they are not alone. Whether you're interested in our journey or you're seeking information to begin your own, I hope this podcast is both informative and entertaining!
If you are looking for infertility support or advice, visit
I met my husband in 2009, we married in 2010, and we've been a couple of parental wannabes ever since.
Years of trying to conceive have brought confusion, frustration, sadness, bitterness, and heartache. We've gone through multiple failed fertility treatments over the years, including an IUI and three rounds of IVF, multiple canceled cycles and seven losses before seeking out an expert in reproductive immunology to help solve the riddle that was our infertility. After an extensive panel of blood work, Dr. Braverman suspected I had endometriosis, which was confirmed by a laparoscopy in January of 2019. One month later, to our shock, we were pregnant naturally!
We pray that our story brings you hope that someday you, too, will achieve your dream!
"Teddy Bear Waltz" Kevin MacLeod (
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