We are delighted to bring you this recording of an expert discussion between members of leading international employment law alliance Innangard Executives, exploring and offering insight into key issues concerning workers and employers in the current climate in the UK, Spain and Sweden.
The platform economy continues to raise new employment law queries, which legislation and case law are now catching up with. This discussion takes a close look at some of the more common issues being faced by platform companies and their workers and examines the protections and remedies potentially available to both.
The discussion is hosted by Merrill April (UK), with contributions from María José Sánchez (Spain) and Carl-Fredrik Hedenström (Sweden).
The key questions addressed by the panel include:
1. What will be the impact of the evolving legislation permitting workers, particularly platform workers, to access information regarding a company’s algorithms or artificial intelligence systems? Are employment courts, legal advisers and trade unions equipped to deal with the legal issues this may present?
2. With new legislation regarding this right to access data due to come into effect in Spain, how will companies balance their need to maintain confidentiality over their trade secrets and their need to ensure Personal Data regulations are complied with, against the requirements imposed on them under this regulation?
3. Has recent case law, such as claims brought by Uber drivers, exposed the dangers for companies in relying upon artificial intelligence in decision-making in recruitment and termination and if so, how?
4. For the purposes of social security and taxation, where is the line drawn between what is considered work and what is considered a hobby for individuals who provide services on platforms such as Airbnb?
5. How can fairness be ensured between platform companies with similar operating models where one has staff who are considered to be workers and the other does not? Are traditional companies and digital companies operating in a fair competitive environment?
Innangard Executives is the specialist Senior Executive and Founder advisory arm of international employment law alliance Innangard.
Innangard is a non-exclusive alliance whose members are leading independent law firms located across Europe and Asia-Pacific, with specialist employment law experience and reputation in advising Employers. Each firm is individually recognised in their own country and jurisdiction for their expertise in labour and employment law issues.
For more information about Innangard Executives and to contact any member firm, go to: https://innangard.global/.
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