Elevate Your Vida

The Intersection of Science & Spirituality with Tom Worthington

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Familiar with the 75 Hard Challenge? This fitness challenge took the internet by storm back in 2019. My guest on today's episode created his OWN unique spin on it and took us on his journey as he committed himself to the #75MONK challenge. Tom Worthington has a background in psychology and not only experienced the spiritual benefits during his journey but tied in the science based evidence that backed up what he was experiencing when he committed to his new daily practiced. Tom discusses his passion and findings by sharing scientific information along with the ancient wisdom that he gained which helped him overcome his anxiety during the pandemic. Tom's story may leave you inspired to also join #75Monk.

Connect with our Guest:
*Follow Tom on Tik Tok

*Follow Tom on YouTube

Videos and books he referenced in his story:

Eckhart Tolle -The Impact of Presence In Relationships

Andrew Huberman - Science of Muscle Growth

Andrew Huberman- How to increase Motivation

Carl Rogers- Becoming a Person book 

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Email: [email protected]

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Elevate Your VidaBy Ariana Torres

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