Welcome to the eighth episode of the Ionic Show!
The release date for Ionic 2 is just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited! Along with Ionic 2, Max and Ben chat about the Ionic Cloud, Ionic Native, Progressive Web Apps, code editing in the Ionic Creator, a featured app, and beer. Yes. Beer.
Ionic PWA - https://jgw96.github.io/Ionic2-Hacker-News/www/
If you want to jump to a specific section, here is a list of topics discussed:
00:05 What’s your name?
02:00 Ionic 2
02:30 Fan mail
03:10 Fan mail fail
05:00 New docs (http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/)
05:30 Ionic Native docs
06:40 Typescript
08:32 You do wear your seatbelt right?
08:41 Ionic Native
12:35 Routing
15:08 Nested navigation
18:02 Ben makes a horrible analogy
18:08 Max cheers to VIM
18:45 Progressive Web Apps
21:00 Hacker News Client PWA
23:14 Demo of PWA on nexus 6 (https://jgw96.github.io/Ionic2-Hacker-News/www/)
25:30 Service workers
29:02 Ionic 2 release date
31:45 IPA Magic
32:07 Ionic Cloud
34:45 Ionic 2 support for Ionic Cloud
35:20 Ionic Creator Code Editor
40:09 Untappd mobile application
40:32 Fantasy Factory IPA by Karben4
41:34 Beer Selfie
47:10 Wrap up
See you next time!
*Music compliments of -ferdinand- music! https://soundcloud.com/f-e-r-d-i-n-a-n-d
**Special thanks to our Audio Engineer Timothy Brandl @Tanbor9