Join us for a very special episode where we highlight the amazing work of individuals who have come together to make a difference in the way we approach environmental sustainability, including saving species that are on the verge of disappearing from our planet forever. Project 15 is the brainchild of some remarkable folks at Microsoft, including one of our special guests Sarah Maston, who had a "light bulb" moment on how to use Azure IoT to create a bridge between the technical and scientific communities to tackle environmental challenges. As the story unfolds, Sarah shares the partnership that developed between Microsoft and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Our other special guest, Yoko Watanabe, Global Manager of the GEF Small Grants Programme at the UNDP, dives deeper into the different communities and opportunities this partnership will enable while working with local community and civil society groups on global environmental issues around the world with a focus on innovation, impact, and inclusion. Learn about the ways you can get involved to utilize IoT open source technology, community, funding, and resources to get your sustainability project accelerated today.