Interview With Ian and Rachel Carroll
Both Rachel and Ian Carroll have a vision to see people, churches, and ministries encouraged and strengthened to become the conquerors they were born to be. One of the ways they do this is to serve local churches as their apostle and/or prophet.
They also train apostles and prophets with an emphasis on deploying those who have been recognized by their church as carrying the grace of apostle or prophet. They run schools, trains and conferences throughout the USA. The best way to stay informed about these is to subscribe to the email list and follow them on social media.
And of course, the train people and bring them into an encounter with God. Trainings include all things prophetic, a School of the Spirit, Wild Goose Conference, Sonship Schools, and bringing people into an encounter with the Mystical Realities of walking with Jesus.
Check them out at the following links:
Ivan and Erica Roman, and their three boys Isaiah, Aren and Ezra all reside in Medford, Oregon. They serve as senior leaders of a joy-filled church called Empowered Life Church. Ivan has a passion to raise up healthy leaders that equip the saints. Ivan and Erica have also
traveled around the world for the last two decades demonstrating the power of God through prophetic ministry and signs and wonders following.
Here are some different ways to connect with Ivan:
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