It's the femme season! Please do not sit on the fence and watch other women live their dreams. Join the community of these changemakers☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
We have four influential female entrepreneurs as our guests on the Janelle show today.
We have the likes of Staci Wright - an Inventor Entrepreneur, Hunter Myers - a Brand Strategist, Giselle Galper - a Career Application Creator; and Sheri Richardson - a Business Development & Leadership Expert.
They shared great insights that can help female entrepreneurs thrive. Staci Wright encouraged female entrepreneurs to bring their visions alive because it's the Feminine Season, and women are slowly dominating the entrepreneurial world.
Hunter Myers shared that women should pursue their dreams with tenacity and confidence no matter the storms they go through, and she also advised that they should find allies that can vouch for what they can do.
Sheri Richardson shared that a better way a female entrepreneur can find a work-life balance is by delegating duties. She advised female entrepreneurs to find someone to handle some of their tasks and not drown themselves.
Giselle advised female entrepreneurs to be resilient because challenges will always come.
They advised that as much as you should not put out your friends, you should put them in their proper category. They mentioned that we should connect with people we can contact during our downtimes like coaches and mentors.
They also advised that as a female entrepreneur, you should connect with like-minded people, practice healthy habits, and invest heavily in your mindset because it reflects what will show on the outside.
Trust your guts, ignore the naysayers, and set out to live the life of your dreams!
Connect with them on:
Staci Wright➡️
(1) Staci Renee Wright | Facebook Staci Renee Wright ( • Instagram photos and videos
Hunter Myers ➡️
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Giselle Galper ➡️
[email protected] IG: LinkedIn Me: LinkedIn Chea: Website: App Download:
Sheri Richardson➡️
[email protected]