Welcome back to The Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! In this episode, Jason talks with Courtney Granberry and Matthew Russell. They share some important opinions on a variety of topics that are relevant for the period we’re living and important for the changes we’re experiencing, both as individuals and as a community.
“I think everybody should have a right to vote with their dollar, and vote with their attention, because the new economy is attention.” – Matthew Russell
You will hear all about the “Cancel Culture” and how it has been impacting everyone that has some kind of visibility online. This social issue revolves around what the consequences of “canceling” someone publicly in terms of public shaming and psychological damages are, what really causes it, what the limits between a bad joke or an offensive insult are, who’s actually behind this whole online cancelation, and all the branches of topics that this discussion eventually leads to.
“It’s always nice to be mad at something and then take a step back and actually think about it. I feel like sometimes you react so fast that you don’t have time to really think about it. So, I think it is just educating yourself, reading books, not taking things personally, and maybe having a conversation with someone who’s older than you.” – Courtney Granberry
On a lighter note, they talk about their work – with music and modeling, what new projects they have been up to, how they see the future with new technologies popping up everywhere, and their experience with meditation and how it correlates with their lifestyle. At the end of the chat, Jason asks Courtney and Matthew what is the one thing that they are willing to (and wanting too) completely ruin in this lifetime. Listen in to catch their response!
“If people, for the most part in their track record, seem to be pretty well intentioned people and they slip up and say something that is not appropriate and possibly offensive – and they are held accountable, somebody does call them out for saying it -, do they deserve to be canceled as a result of that?” – Jason Goldberg
About Courtney Granberry and Matthew Russell
Courtney Granberry is a Fashion Model who has been featured on brands like Savage X Fenty, Target and more. Matthew Russell is a DJ and member of Cheat Codes. Both of them are the hosts of “I’m Not Racist, My Friend’s Black” podcast.
Key Timestamps
[4:31] – Courtney and Matthew talk about the beginning of their relationship;
[11:49] – Matthew’s background with creating and producing music;
[13:08] – Courtney and Matthew’s stories on “big breaks”;
[27:07] – How meditation has been helping them;
[38:17] – NFTs, new technology and future devices;
[49:27] – Causes and consequences of “Cancel Culture” nowadays;
[01:05:15] – Is it easy to cancel people publicly nowadays?;
[01:10:27] – Matthew talks about the impact of “Cancel Culture” in his work;
[01:11:23] – Courtney comments on a personal situation involving “Cancel Culture”;
[01:18:00] – Bullying, bad jokes, and the new generations;
[01:30:32] – What Courtney and Matthew want to ruin in life;
Related Links
Check out their podcast:
I’m Not Racist, My Friend’s Black | Episode with Jason (Spotify)
I’m Not Racist, My Friend’s Black | Episode with Jason (Apple Podcasts)
Episode with Jason on YouTube
Books mentioned in this episode:
Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday
Trust Me, I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday
Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday
6-Phase Meditation with Vishen Lakhiani
Connect with us!
Courtney’s IG: @thasupremecourt
Matthew’s IG: @matthewrussellofficial | @cheatcodes
IG: @thejasongoldberg
Facebook: The Jason Goldberg