This episode was really fun to make because I got interview to one of my best friends in Cluj: Doriana. We talk about her childhood memories of New Year's, her favorite modern psychology theory (Doriana is a psychology researcher and student), Romanian curse words, and accents. Specifically, we discuss my experience living in Cluj and Doriana's experience attending college in France.
Doriana: Thank you so much for recording this with me when you just got back from Iasi and are about to run a book club and attend a conference. You're the best!
I realized I didn't have any photos of Doriana and I together so the picture on this podcast is of a bar called Yolka that Doriana and our friend Mădălina showed me and has become my favorite in Cluj.
Amazing theme music: Romanian Hora by The Underscore Orkestra is licensed under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.