In this 16th of 39 teaching from The Hayford Bible Handbook on what the Kingdom of God is, Steven Harris continues the teaching of Jack W. Hayford. This episode was filmed 2 weeks from the death of Jack W. Hayford and acts as a tribute to his leadership, wisdom and inspirer of taking the time to be devoted to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
16. A Present and Future Kingdom (Matt. 13:1-52). In this chapter, Jesus introduces parables as a means of teaching “kingdom” truths (vv. 10-11). Of the forty parables Jesus gave, He made direct references to the kingdom in nineteen. These stories clearly relate to different time frames. Some impact the present, teaching (1) the need for kingdom people to have hearing ears (vv. 3-23); (2) the breadth of the kingdom’s spread (vv. 31-35); and (3) the cost of the kingdom’s acquisition (vv. 44-46). Others relate to the future, teaching (1) the final disposing of the fruit of the Adversary’s hindrance (vv. 36-43) and (2) the final disposition of the mixed ingathering from kingdom outreach (vv. 47-51). In mixing these two aspects of the “kingdom,” Jesus helps us appreciate the kingdoms as both present and prospective. The message of the kingdom is two-edged and relates to two frames of time: First, God, in Christ, is now recovering man from his double loss—relationship with God and of rulership under God. He promised this at man’s Fall, illustrated it in the patriarchs and Israel’s history, and now the King has come to begin fully bringing it about. The kingdom is being realized presently, in partial and personal ways, as it is spread through all the earth by the Holy Spirit’s power in the church. Second, the kingdom will be realized finally in consummate and conclusive ways only at the return of Jesus Christ and by His reign over all the earth. What we experience of His triumph now, in part, will then be fully manifest (1 Cor. 13:9-10; 15:24; Rev. 11:15). This complete view allows for our understanding and applying the principles of “kingdom come” without falling into the confusion of expecting now what the Bible says will only be then.
Hayford, Jack W. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Hayford's Bible Handbook. Nashville : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995
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