Colton McGriff discusses his recent fitness journey, motivated by a challenge set by his MS specialist. Colton was warned that without the recommended pharmaceutical treatment, he would be in a wheelchair within ten years. However, in defiance of this prognosis, Colton decided to set a goal to run a 100-mile ultramarathon within that time frame. Through consistent training, Colton has seen significant improvements in his health and physical fitness. The key to his success, he suggests, has been a strict discipline to his training routine, not allowing for any slip-ups or excuses. The discussion leads to a philosophical conversation about setting goals and maintaining commitment, drawing a parallel to financial independence and gaining control of one's banking system.
- Colton’s motivation for running
- How his initial motivation from spite has transformed into personal growth and reaching his potential
- The ideas of what you'll regret later in life
- The importance of setting and attempting to reach goals
- MS diagnosis and how it led to a commitment to change diet and lifestyle
- Benefits of monitoring progress with wearable technology and comparing the data to see his improvements
- The importance of consistency and the outsized returns of a systematic approach in reaching long-term goals
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