I’m joining by my special guest, prepare mentality as we discuss the border crisis and how to prepare. You could check him out at the following links, and as always links below to join the preppers Club. Find Prepared Mentality at https://www.instagram.com/preparedmentality
Or my Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@PreparedMentality Get your emergency food here https://www.americanreserves.com/collections/american-prepper 🚨 Come share your knowledge or gain some knowledge with us! Our online club that’s away from big tech censorship is growing Link up with like minded people and prepare for what you know is coming.
🤝 build your network
🪓 🏕Sharpen your Survival Skills
🍳🚰get your food and water ready
🏋️🏃 get your fitness in order
$4.99 for our life time membership inside the preppers club. Zero up charges and zero reoccurring charges. Link to join is in the bio or DM me with any questions