Are you embarrassed about asking for help in your business? Do you find you spend more time doing things for other people than for yourself?
What can we as entrepreneurs do to get the help we so desperately need without feeling bad about it?
The answer is simple: We need to have courage.
Heather Hubbard is the founder of Simple courage, a storytelling media company, movement, and community. She teaches business owners how to be brave in their everyday lives so they can be successful and feel fulfilled doing work that THEY want to do.
As a business owner I know I find it scary to admit when I’m struggling, but whenever I do it pays off. I end up getting the help I need and I reach more people. It might seem embarrassing to admit when you’re struggling, but the truth is that everyone struggles and those of us who talk about it are the courageous ones.
If you're struggling with people pleasing and asking for help in your business, this episode is for you. You don’t have to feel so alone or stuck anymore.