Jacob Irving was diagnosed at birth with Spastic Quadriplegia, a rare form of Cerebral Palsy. Jacob began a life long quest to understand his condition. In this search, Jacob discovered research using cannabinoids, a main compound in marijuana, to treat muscle stiffness arising from Cerebral Palsy. He also found out that medical marijuana had been legal in Louisiana for treating Spastic Quadriplegia since 1991. Unable to understand why patients such as himself could not get access to this form of treatment, he began a quest. Today, he talks to the Legal Ease about the state of medical marijuana in Louisiana, and the future for it.
Also on the shoe, Mike Seibert joins us for his segment Around the Bend: A Publisher's Preview of Upcoming Student Written Articles in the Louisiana Law Review to discuss Ben Wallace's recent article A Vote Against State Nonresident Contribution Limits.