In this episode of The Level Up Podcast with GNO Realty, your hosts Braden L Smith and Ryan Curtis Rogers review the current market stats as usual then speak with a special guest, EJ Giusti from Goosehead Insurance.
Braden, Ryan, and EJ discuss the following in this episode:
What in the world is going on with insurance in Louisiana?
What is causing the increases we are seeing?
What is reinsurance?
Replacement costs
What are you seeing as ways to lower your premium while still having good coverage?
What are the red flags?
Are insurance carriers sending someone out to inspect homes?
What about roofs? From what I know, no carriers in Louisiana will issue a policy on a property with a roof 15 years old or older. Is that still true?
I’ve heard the carriers inspect roofs just 5 years old. Is that true?
What are fortified roofs doing to premiums? How much discount are people getting after putting a fortified roof on their home?
What about a wind mitigation survey?
What kind of discounts can they provide?
Does the new governor and insurance commissioner have any plans in place to help with this situation?
Do you see any relief on the horizon?Contact info for hosts and guest:
Co-Owner | Associate Broker | REALTOR®
REvitalize Property Solutions LLC
Louisiana Fortify Homes (Fortified Roof Grant)
Storm Mitigation Incentives
Homeowners in Louisiana may be eligible for a state tax deduction or insurance premium discount for voluntarily strengthening their homes against storms and hurricanes in compliance with the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code.
For more information, please see the following:
Residential Property Storm Mitigation Incentives brochure
Storm Mitigation FAQs
Louisiana Hurricane Loss Mitigation Survey Form. This form was created by the Louisiana Department of Insurance for submission to insurance companies as verification of completed storm mitigation measures. This form has been promulgated in Regulation 94, Appendix A. Section I must be completed by the homeowner and the following sections must be completed and endorsed by a qualified wind mitigation surveyor. To find a wind mitigation surveyor, visit the Louisiana State Fire Marshal Code Enforcement webpage. The information surveyed is used to calculate what storm mitigation has been completed and if the homeowner is eligible for premium discounts or incentives.
Shop Your Rates Homeowners Guide. Homes with completed storm mitigation are eligible for discounted homeowners rates. To compare how a fully mitigated home can reduce your insurance rates, visit our online homeowners rate guide and look up Example 8 --Wind Mitigated.Follow us on social media:
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