Whats up guys and welcome to THE LIFESTYLE PODCAST! I’m your host, Samantha Regimbal. This podcast has been long in the making but I kept pushing it back down to the bottom of my TO DO list as my mindset was that MY COMPANIES needed to remerge from the lockdown rubble and be operationally perfect, before launching.
That could not be any further from the truth! What is perfect anyways? Perfectly imperfect is where it’s at and work needs to be balanced with fun.
Lockdown mixed in with a battle of my body slowly shutting down resulted in 4 years that completely changed my mindset and POV on life!
The lifestyle podcast is all about our new normal and life after lockdown. It’s about ensuring that we take the time to romanticize our lives even if that’s just perfecting our early morning routines and reinforcing that we practice safe work/life balance.
In this podcast we’re going to talk about all things lifestyle, wellness, mental health, routines, goals setting, planning, living with autoimmunes, entrepreneurship, astrology, life’s mysteries, nutrition, trending topics - especially in Canada, mindset and so much more! I cannot wait!
Some of you may know me as the founder of What’s Up Canada or of the owner of Samantha with Love or possibly as Canada’s Girl Boss - not even sure where that nickname stemmed from but enough about that,
This podcast is NOT about my entrepreneurial world - although, we’ll surely talk about business + brand stuff from time to time. This podcast is about following our intuition! thriving by living in the present and enjoying the little things. Let’s talk about keeping that pep in our step while navigating normal emotional and mental slumps.
Let’s prioritizes health and happiness - because if your body, mind and soul isn’t solid, everything could eventually crumble. So I’m taking my daily journaling sessions and bringing them on here to delve deep into all things life and I’m oh so excited to share.
Join me for lifestyle chats every single week. Wishing you all peace, love + happiness.
Bye for now xo