Joe Byrum is a man with a heart a hundred times larger then his hands. Joe unselfishly and routinely donates both his time and art for charities. Despite Joe often times finding himself short handed I've never once heard him complain about anything other then our mutual friend Chris. Joe is a constant reminder to do better. Beneath his assorted tie dyed t-shirt collection you will find a true heart of gold. What Joe lacks in hand size he makes up for with an infectious smile among other things.
I truly enjoy fishing with Joe. We've been lucky enough to catch some big fish together in Australia and have hung a money fish in Kona. He's a world class photographer and even more so a world class friend. We have had some fantastic fishing together and some absolutely horrible fishing together. However regardless of fishing conditions the outcome is always the same we always have fun. I can think of no person I rather go marlin fishing with when enjoyment is on the line. Joe is hilarious, gifted and kind. Joe is another person I'm very proud to call my friend. Joes hobbies include couponing, basket weaving, Interpretive dance, taking photos of kittens in baskets and picking on me. You can follow Joes remarkable adventure and fantastic photography at @jayblesphoto If your thinking you've read this description of Joe on my Instagram account before you'd be 100 percent correct. Why post it again you ask? Well the last time I posted it Joe was on a multiple day binger and he either didn't see it or was to fucked up to care. So I figured what the heck it's new to him and it saves me a little work since I'm slightly hungover myself from interviewing him last night for our latest Vicious Cycle Podcast. Joe truly is a legend, listen on as he tells us about his career in the film industry he left behind for the pursuit of what lives beyond the oceans horizon. Joe answers many hard hitting question such as who parties harder celebrities or fisherman. Joe is always worth a listen but come hear the origin story of the super hero who walks amongst us today. #fishing #seaspircy #marlin #tuna #showbiz #sportfishing #travel #photography