Third-year student, Kasmira Warawa, shares her reflection on the Gospel reading for Passion Sunday, March 28, from Mark 11:1-10 as our "The Lord's Day" Sunday Gospel reflections 2020-2021 series turns to the last Sunday of Lent, Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday).
Readings for Sunday, March 28:
Gospel Reading: Mark 11:1-10
First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7
Responsorial: Psalm 22:8-9,17-20,23-24
Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11
Gospel Acclamation: Phil 2:8-9
Gospel Reading: Mark 14:1-15:47 (Passion narrative)May #GodBless you as you prepare your hearts and homes to celebrate The Lord's Day!
For more information on our "The Lord's Day" Celebration or to download a printable copy of our "The Lord's Day" prayer guide please see An Introduction to "The Lord's Day" Celebration at
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